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Re: Naive

At 16:54 6/26/96, Vassilis Risopoulos wrote:
>This is going to sound naive I know and it probably is, but I need to get
>it clear.
>A "signed" certificate is encrypted right?
>I mean all the X.509 stuff that are in the certificate just get encrypted
>by the CA
>and then the client has to have the public key of the CA to get them?
>Or, everything is in the clear and the signature that comes in the end is
>a kind of CRC
>to check the whole thing?

The latter is correct; the certificate is in the clear, and a hash of the
certificate is encrypted using the private key of the CA; it can then be
verified with the public key of the CA.

 - Tim

Tim Dierks  --  timd@consensus.com  --  www.consensus.com
Head of Thing-u-ma-jig Engineering, Consensus Development